Great Light, Better Birds
Nothing is better than the beach. Nothing. Each and every day there is something new to see, and there are always awesome photo opportunities. This week may have been the best ever as far as photos go. Each evening after work, I went out to the beach and came home with a smile on my face. What is better than that?
If you aren't a fan of plovers, you might want to stop reading here. My main goal for the week was to come home with a plover shot I loved. Instead, I came home with 30. Here are some of my favorites:
Another goal of mine for the summer was to have a few good osprey shots in my pocket as well. One super cool osprey made my night this week. When he wasn't flying right over my head in search of sticks, he was hunting for dinner even closer to me. I kept hoping he would dive and grab one, but he was never successful. So for now, the "osprey with fish dinner" shot is still in the works!
Then to end the week, I took a trip to northern Jersey to photograph peregrine falcons. It was a super fun morning with some great company. Our new, young female bird is beginning to look like a proper adult now! Only a few more months and she'll be completely changed.
What a way to end an awesome week.
Sadly, the summer is winding down. Birds are fledging left and right, and many others have already begun the trip south. Pretty soon I'll be back off to school beginning the next chapter in MY life. And hey, hawk watch season is only a few weeks away. But who's counting?
Have a nice week everyone!