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Summer Updates

So wouldn't you know, the field season has sadly come to a close. All I can say is wow. In just ten short weeks, I've learned and accomplished so many different and incredible things. I've met so many amazing people, been to some of the most beautiful places on the Jersey Shore and most importantly set off on the path to a future in wildlife science. And of course, working with piping plovers has been life changing to say the least! Best. Summer. Ever.

In the next week or so I'll actually get into this blog post in its entirety, but for now this brief update will have to do! 

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of my subscribers. The kind words and feedback mean the world to me! I'd like to welcome to all of my new subscribers as well!

I've taken thousands upon thousands of pictures this summer, and I've yet to go through most of them. Every day I'm uploading, editing and posting new shots that I've acquired the past few months. Be sure to stay tuned. There are some awesome birds coming that I can't wait to share!

Talk to you all soon! 



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