Life at sea level-62.jpg


Mississippi Kite!

Wow! What a super treat this afternoon.

Rebeca, Jason and I set out for the Mississippi Kite that has been hanging around in Ocean County, NJ for the past few weeks. After waiting for a half hour or so, we spotted the bird soaring high above the road. The unmistakeable shape got my heart racing. He slowly worked his way down to the dead snag on the corner of the street and perched in perfect afternoon light. I clicked away as he went about his business preening, stretching and eventually flying off to hunt! We watched as he picked a large insect out of mid air effortlessly and then continued to consume it in a different tree.  

The light eventually faded later in the day, but not before I snapped some awesome shots. I am super excited about how these came out!

This has been a bird on my radar for a while now, and I'm super excited to have finally knocked it off my life list! It was definitely an experience I will always remember. If you would like information about where to find this bird, shoot me an email! 




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