My Favorite Nest Cam
Just a quick post. I wanted to share the link to a nest cam that I have been watching recently.
There are always a good number of nest cams each spring, especially in recent years. Bald eagles seem to be the majority favorite, but my favorite (if you haven’t guessed already) is an american kestrel nest cam. This particular cam is part of the Peregrine Fund’s organization. It’s located in Iowa. From what I’ve read, it has been up and running since the breeding season last year. The pair of kestrels successfully fledged five chicks last June, and currently have five more eggs in the nest. Both the male and the female take turns incubating the eggs, and if you get lucky, you can watch them switching shifts! I have the camera up and running whenever I can. I actually wrote an essay last week and had the site up in the background. If you watch it enough, you’re bound to see something really neat. Patience is key! I'll include the link below.
Have a nice week everyone!